Sunday, January 10, 2010

Life Lights

    Throughout your life you have many lights. Some that turn on all by themselves and others that you, yourself, turn on. As with all lights, you have the ability to turn them on and off as you please. But, then with lights, being what they are, they will eventually burn out and can never be turned on again.
    There are lights that you will turn off, simply because you no longer want to go into that room again. You loved the light, but felt betrayed by it's light. So you turn it off, never wanting to turn it on again. Be careful with lights that you turn off in haste, because you may come back to the room and try to turn on the light and find that it burned out a long time ago. You find yourself wanting to turn that light on, to sit in it's glow, to have that light shine again. Those lights can be the most forgiving lights and only need you to enter the room and turn it on.
     Some lights you turn off simply because you have moved on to another room....another life to speak. The light was fine, perhaps, but became dim or maybe too bright for you as time passed. The light may have become too hot and burned you every time you turned it on, while some were too cold and burn you just the same.
    Some lights will always be on and warm you every time you enter the room. They remind you of times past and the happiness that came with the light. There are lights in your life all around you. They brighten your way and guide you when you are in the dark. Then, there are those new lights that you find or they find you. Those special lights that have just that certain amount of glow, that warmth that you have never felt before. Those are the lights that you never want to turn off and hope that they never burn out. They can never be replaced, no matter how hard you look or how long you search.
    There is also a light that is your one true life light, your soul light...your heart light. I have such a light that burns with so much love, that she shines forever in my heart...she is my LifeLight.
