Saturday, February 20, 2010

My Father's Birthday

Tom C. Smith
February 20, 1935
   Today, my father would have been 75 years old. I would like to share some thoughts and memories with you. I will only write of the pleasant and happy times that I remember, even though there were some that were not. But all in all, the unpleasant memories were very few and not worth mentioning.
   First off, in all of the years that you were my father, I never, ever, remember you raising your voice or hand to me...not ever. Not that there were times you maybe wanted to or should have,but, it just was not in your nature to be that way with me. There were other ways you got your point across. Thanks for being you. 
   My mother and father divorced when I was about 4-5 years old. During that time I lived with my mother, after a short stay with my grandparents. My father had visitation rights on Sundays and I believe he met those times as best as he could. What I write next may seem jumbled and somewhat confusing, if you are not familiar with knowing him or me during those times. I will sometimes mention "us", that would be in reference to my sisters and brother. If you need to know or just curious, please comment to this blog and I will do my best to answer your questions.

Childhood Memories

   Sunday afternoons...waiting, but he comes, sometimes late, but we are still happy to see him. Grandma and Grandpa's for afternoons and evenings...always good dinners. Beatles on Ed Sullivan. Putt - Putt golf, movies, Meyers Lake Park....Tilt-A-Whirl ride, still my favorite, spin it faster, Dad! Fimming and Sishing...can we go fimming and sishing? Christmas time...always a good time to be with you. Learning how to play poker from you. Car rides....AM radio - ball games, big band music...I still love to listen to Glenn Miller, Tommy Dorsey and others who were of the "Big Band Era", Spike Jones and the City Slickers! Frank Sinatra...the Voice! Singing to us as you drive. Indian's games...just you and me, trade tickets for box seats, you always kept score, hot dogs - I always wanted ketchup instead of the ballpark always got it for me. The time you had to borrow a junker car to take me to the game...we ran out of gas. Helping you on your Snyder's Chips route....eating so many bags of chips, you smoked too much, Coley's Stag....hottest damn chili ever! You tricked me into eating it! Early mornings...late nights, but I really loved going with you to the stores and deliveries...too bad I never was good at it for a job. You always hated your face to be touched...we would laugh so hard trying to touch your face and have you try to stop us. Ed and Teddy...I was so sure I was right!...was a good laugh after all was said and done. Gambrinas Inn to eat and watch movies...The Incredible Mr. Limpet! Always tickling, always laughing... great laugh, I can hear it now. My first baseball glove, my first football and my first basketball. You are the reason I love sports...especially the Browns! Loaning me your green Dodge Charger for the prom, I was pretty cool in that car!

Adulthood Memories

   January 4, 1981, Cleveland Stadium, Cleveland Browns/Oakland Raiders AFC play-off game, Red Right 88, Brian Sipe, Kardiac Kids, 4°F/-15C (with a -36°F/-38C wind chill), Roger and Mike...Best Birthday gift ever! You had me fooled all the way, what a surprise...I loved it! You helped me buy my first car, a Plymouth Fury...what a boat! Must have been a '67-'68...I am not sure, but was a 2 door and copper/gold in color. Having a beer after work with you, just always bought, you always made me feel better if something was bothering me. Genesee beer....always the beer of choice! First time on league with you bowling at the Classic...breakfast afterwards at Andre's...eye opener for sure. Bowling on Wednesdays at The Embassy...Syrian/Lebenese League....never got the joke of it until a friend pointed it out to me years later. Beers, bookies and betting...great times. Bowling on Fridays at Eastburry lanes with Uncle Jerry, Roger and Ron. You taught me a lot about bowling. You always asked if I needed any money and would give me a 10 or 20 if I was in need. Abbott and Costello - Who's on first, What's on  second, I don't know is on third! I still laugh so hard every time I watch it! Laurel and did a good Stan. The Three Stooges. We would love to watch those old comedies and laugh so hard! Hall of Fame parties. Your hair...always perfect, never out of place. Your dead-pan look and " what ? " when you...well, you know what you did! LOL! A place to stay when I needed it. Ancient Ancient Age...only the best for your birthday. "After The Loving" your theme had a great voice, I always liked to hear you sing with Grandpa's band. Watching sports at your house...never a dull moment, better than being at the game! Brown grass on were so color blind! Sponge brick to throw at the game when the Browns messed up! You could always watch matter what, you could find something to watch. You quite smoking for 3 months! You helped me get the job at The Timken Company...just by telling me to apply. The way you breathed when you ate, you loved do I. Going to Indians games with Grandpa...always extra innings..LOL! Your could anyone not smile when they saw yours. You always could make me laugh. The way you blew on your coffee, just before you sipped it for the first time. I think you could make anyone your friend after only speaking with them for 5 had that way with people.
   For those of you who knew my father, I hope this stirs some memories back to you. For those of you who did not have the chance to meet him....well, I think you know him a little now. Some people go through their whole life not knowing someone like Tom C. Smith, I was lucky to call him my father. If I can be half the father to my children, that my father was to me, I will consider myself a lucky man. I hope that I am, time will tell...
   I miss you so much, Dad...there is still so much to talk about, so much to still do. You are the best Dad anyone could ask for... always my friend, my father, my Dad. Happy Birthday, Dad!

"When I Walk With You
When I Talk With you
Everything Will Be Fine"
Ringo  Starr - Walk With You


robin said...

i miss him too

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