Monday, December 7, 2009

A Walk In The Woods

A walk in the woods. This is a picture that I will call "The Green Carpet". I saw a lot of this, while walking in the woods. I had a handheld GPS with me, so I just walked where my feet took me. I saw a lot of boar stands, used for waiting out boars that may come along. There are quite a lot of boars around here and I saw 5 such stands. Also, something that looked like a feeding station to attract boars...a lot of bread and a contraption above that I was not quite sure what it was for. I believe I even, dare I say, frightened a boar, because I heard a lot of rambling and rustling nearby on one of my "off the trail" ways. As far as wildlife, the only creature I saw was a tiny mouse trying to find it's way under cover to avoid any capture! Oh well, maybe next time! I will say, the GPS is very good to have, because you can just walk wherever and not worry about getting lost...unless, of course, the batteries die! Hmmm...mental note...take extra batteries on next walk. Perhaps on my next posting I will have a picture or two of a BOAR! HA!



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