Thursday, November 26, 2009

My Little Town ( apologies to Simon and Garfunkle)

   Sösdala, my little town. Or, village, as I have been told. My home town. Two grocery stores, two banks, one gas station, three frisorar ( hair solans), bus station, a couple of pizza parlors...I use that term loosely..., two schools, a library, a couple of clothing shops, a bakery, a few privately owned businesses, a bath and kitchen remodeling business, florist, a hardware store, a church and a lot of friendly people! Oh, and I can't forget the recycling place, commonly known as, the TIP. You can place bets on horse races at the gas station..I like that...maybe even do it some day. Money, Money, Money!
    I can walk into town in about a half hour from where I live, which is not a bad walk at that. I think by now, most of the people who see me recognize me as the local american who speaks a little swedish. It's a very nice village and I have come to call it my own. Every village, town, city has this same familiar sign letting you know that you are about to come into the area of such place. The 50 sign above states the speed limit, which is a little confusing since it is universally known that you always drive 50 when entering a municipality. But, who am I to argue, gives someone a job,I guess. Right passed this sign is a familiar tree. A Buckeye tree! Funny, being the state tree from where I come from in Ohio! At least it is funny to me and I always take a look at it as I pass it. When I go into the two grocery stores, I always look for anything new that may be on the shelfs. Kind of interesting to find things that remind me of US stores and then other things that may be so different, as well. No ICA Jerry, but I look for him, just the same! I wished that they sold the Euro Shopper dark chocolate again...I always look for that! So Good! LOL, I am getting off topic, now, sorry. On most saturday mornings, there is a Loppis...flea market....which has some good things and some things that people just don't want anymore! Not unlike the US, LOL. The village recently celebrated 150 years! I find that interesting in the fact that it is not really all that old of a village, in relative terms, if you think about it. A lot of people with their dogs, a lot of bikes used by both young and old...I like that...I hope to get a bike myself soon. Pedal into the village and maybe explore a little more on my own. I'm old, gammal, a bike would be better for me than walking, I believe. Definately faster! Oh, and not one of those skinny seats either. My butt needs a wide saddle for the comfort!
Sösdala, my little town.



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