Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Ernie (top left)
Matt, Duke, Sam, Bob, Dana, Graig
Roger K.
Bob, Roger W., Me, Mr. Burt
Jim, Dickie, Kenny

Friends are forever. No matter what ever happens in your life, your friends will always be there. Especially, the friends that you grew up with. These are the people that you run around with, get into trouble with and most of all, just have the best of times with! As you get older, you may drift apart and not see each other as often as you would like. You have families, different responsibilities, your job, kids, vacations, the house needs some work and you just don't seem to have the time anymore, like you use to. It happens to everyone at some time or another. But, one thing about friends, you can stop by and knock at the door and all of a sudden, Wham! You are right back to where you started from. All of the memories come flooding back, you laugh so hard that you cry! You have that beer or two...or more...most likely more, then it's time to get back to reality and go about your life as before. You say to everybody that you'll get back in touch and do it again...knowing that it won't be for a long time until you do. Ah, you try to stay in touch. You make that phone call, send that e-mail, but for some reason, things just don't come together. I am not sure why, must be that life thing again. You think about them all of the time...laugh a little, once more.....think about those good old days! But the years roll by, time catches up with you, things change and you long for those days when things just didn't matter that much. That the only thing important was just getting together again for a few more beers, a few more laughs, a few more tears. You miss the ones who are gone and think about them the most...the, what if, factor. I have a lot of friends, some of them are in that picture. That's my Senior year at Alliance High School Engineering Drafting. Class of '73. Others that have been life long friends - Ron C., Ron T., Kurt, Weiner, and a few others that I can't quite remember now...but, I will and when I do, I will update this blog. I did not add last names, because, they know who they are. They are my friends.


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