Thursday, October 22, 2009

Breast and Prostate Cancer

I just watched a video and read an article on the ABC News web site. It was about a top official's statement, from the American Cancer Society, that breast and prostate screening may be oversold when it comes to saving lives. It seems that there are a lot of "false positives" that come from the results of both clinical and the mamogram for women and the PSA blood test for men. They have said through studies that most men and women have had biopsies that were not necessary because of these "false positives". In my opinion, women over 40 and men over 50, should still see a doctor and have both tests done by a doctor yearly. I would rather have a "false positive" and have the peace of mind. I know of two men who have died of prostate cancer. These are simple tests and although they may not be plesant and somewhat embarrasing, I still say that they are very necessary. Please, see your doctor and have these exams done. I know I will and I want my wife to have the exams yearly, as well. Breast cancer for women and prostate cancer for men, are the two most leading causes of death. Screening and exams...see your doctor.



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