Monday, October 5, 2009

First Blog

Well, here is my first attempt at a blog. I would like to add some of my experiences of living in Sweden and to also answer questions from my fellow Swedes about life in America.
   I have been living in Sweden since July of 2008 and recently married to my wonderful wife, Laila, this past June 19, 2009. At the moment, I am trying to secure a swedish drivers license and find a job in Sweden. Both are extremely difficult. I look to post pictures of my life and times of living here, in Sweden, as well. As I gather my thoughts and comments together, I will post them as soon as possible.



Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'm really disappointed with your blog. It's hardly about living in sweden at all! It's all about your views on various (mostly boring) subjects! The only "Swedish" things you have really mentioned are about the driving license and the sauce story.Yawn..........more improvement needed.

Thomas Smith said...

To my anonymous commenter - My blog is about my life living here in Sweden, as an american. No where did I say or intend it to be entirely about swedish life and things related. And, I did comment about the zoo in Borås! For others who may question my blog content, it is simply ideas, comments, thoughts, that I may have, while living in Sweden.

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