Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cruelty to Animals

   After watching many programs on The Animal Planet, the most sad are the ones dealing with animal cruelty. It is simply amazing to me how people can be that way to animals. But, what is even more amazing, is the way the deny and even believe that they are being cruel to them! One of the people on a show that my wife and I watch once said that animals are like our children. They need care, to be fed, cleaned and taken to a doctor on a regular basis. She is so right and those words hit home with me. At times, it is even hard to watch because of the health and condition of the places where these helpless animals live. There are many times where they show the rewards of doing their job and rescuing these animals,by giving them new homes and basically bringing them back to life! Don't mistreat your animals and if you see one being mistreated, say something, do something, help that animal out. We are the keepers of the Earth and only we can stop the cruelty to animals...big and small!



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