Friday, October 16, 2009

The Carpet Crawlers

     I thought today that I would write about a song that I heard today on my iPod. Very cryptic lyrics, but very hypnotizing as well. Genesis is an amazing band and if ever there is a time to see them, I recomend it very much! The link I have attached is from a long time ago, the '80s I you can tell from Phil Collins long hair! But,getting back to the song. It is from the album, The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway. I don't like all of the music, but this song has always been a favorite of mine. The band, Genesis, was a favorite of a good friend of mine, Kurt Galpin. He is sadly missed, as he has passed away a long time ago and I always think of him when I hear this song. Many people have written about what they think the lyrics mean. I have seen one person describing it as a meaning of birth, another about sex and drugs. One person even said it was a religious message...I don't think so! I will agree with another that it all deals with some kind of spiritual journey. Peter Gariel's explaination was that it all had to do with the story of the album. So, take it for what it's worth, but for me, I just enjoy listening to the song and singing along. It is a comfort song for me and reminds me of times with my friend, Kurt.



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